Okay, everyone, at least those interested in my small time comparison of these 2 lenses. In earlier posts in this forum, I let on that I was able to get the Zeiss ZE 35 1.4, after some wait time from B&H...after I had already purchased the Rokinon 35 1.4. I won't get all techy on you(c'mon, I'm UPS Driver full time, what do I know about tech!!), but this was pretty fun taking pictures using these two lenses, and my wife is mad as Hade's at me for all the time I spend on the computer already!!! So here goes...

I really liked the Rokinon(Samyang) 35 1.4. I played with it for several weeks before I received the Zeiss, and became familiar with manual focusing....so much so, that I don't even use focus confirmation on the Zeiss or my 50L anymore...and I do have a EC-S focus screen on the way for my 1D4, so all these pics were taken using the good ol' fashioned way..For the price, this lens cannot be beat, hands down!! Sharp wide open, even in the corners, and good colors and saturation. I highly recommend it(William!!).

The Zeiss is a fantastic lens with a history behind it, and I have pointed some to another forum where some people have the Contax/Yashica or Rollei version of the Zeiss Distagon 35 1.4 from then...tough for the new one to compete, and I don't know if my photo skills do the new version justice after looking at some of the photos taken by members of this FM forum. Here is the link to it, all 57 pages, but please check it out...really cool!!
Rokinon 35 1.4 gallery

https://picasaweb.google.com/112876940890442133557/Rokinon3514?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCKGoso7J6 PiG8gE&feat=directlink
