I've pulled the trigger on this bad boyandI'm in love with the output. The Mark I was great but the Mark II issimply amazing.

BUT, Ihave a concernabout the IS on this puppy:

I was taking some photos today in fairly good lighting, thethe IS when *winding up/down* would make a louder than normal buzz. I mean, typically it's a low buzz/hum, but this caught me off guard. Yes the lens was still capable of stabilising and achieve focuslock BUT the sound has me worried. It only happened a couple of times today. I flipped the switches from 1.2 to 2.5 and back again to no avail. I then decided to power cycle the camera and the loud buzz is no longer present.

I'll be heading out on vacation in about a month and the lens is less than a week old and the last thing I need is to possibly have the IS *jam* up in the middle of a photo shoot!

Suggestions/comments are more than welcome.....
