I have been giving some serious thought to a 1D Mk. II, but after re-reading the review by Bryan,I am concerned by his comments here:

"One of my biggest disapointments with the Canon EOS 1D Mark II is the vertical grip's shutter release. It is extremely sensitive and has almost no travel. It is very difficult to press the shutter release far enough to focus the lens without actually taking the picture. This seems to be a major and easily avoidable blunder by Canon. The horizontal (normal) shutter release works great - as expected. I am getting a little more used to the vertical shutter release, but still do not like it. Word is that Canon has resolved this problem in later date production models."

So my question is, what serial numbers are in the range where the problem was resolved? This way I can know what to look for in a used body, most of which have been selling on eBay for roughly $900-1000.