I'm debating my next lens, and would love advice from more experienced people.

Rebel XSi: Got this with the 18-55 IS kit (justified with impending birth of child), and enjoyed it for awhile. Dissatisfied with max aperture, autofocus speed, image quality.

Wife gave me the 50 1.8 for Christmas. Enjoyed using it. It's great in some scenarios (outside, portrait, etc.). Like the sharpness, but using it inside for group photos requires more distance than I often have. Realizing now how slow it is to focus.

I got the 28-135 IS USM last spring, and I have enjoyed it, particularly at the longer end to take outdoor shots at events, nature shots, etc. Love it overall, but sometimes I'd like more reach with larger aperatur, or it's not quite wide enough.

Added the 270EX, and it is very useful, and much better than the on-camera flash.

I'm definitely on a budget, so I'm eyeing the 70-200 f/4 non-IS as something I can afford and justify. Also interested in the 17-55 2.8 IS, but not sure wife will be happy with a 4 digit lens price. Still, it would cure my complaints about the 18-55 kit.

Wish there were some other upgrade for the kit lens (if it's about $100 value, how is there nothing in between it and the $1,000 17-55 2.8?).

I'm trying to start having semi-professional gigs (shots for the church and rec league sports, etc.).

Any suggestions for what I should get next? In Atlanta, so able to rent the options pretty easily. Thanks!