Note to self:
When photography long exposure night shots next to bodies of water, make sure air temp is above dew point and water temp is below air temp. Especially if you are doing a time lapse of long exposures hoping to catch a meteor..... The lens would fog almost immediately as the air temp was well below dew point, the body of water temp was still in the 60's, air in the 40's. the local humidity was climbing to 100% as the temp dropped. Needed a rag to wipe off the moisture on the camera.
Oh my the best laid plan of catching meteors streaking across the sky reflecting in the glass smooth mosquito lagoon (near the Kennedy Space Center) only to be reasonably quickly fogged in.
2nd notice to self. Could have heated up the camera's etc in the car, and it might have held off the fogging...
Any other humorous "AHA moments".