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Thread: Online Printing Services

  1. #1

    Online Printing Services

    We have a top quality professional printing service in my community, but unfortunately, current economic conditions is forcing this business to close their doors after over 50 years of service in the same location.

    I have tried a number of online services with varying success, including Snapfish, Walgreens, etc.

    Anyone out there have a favorite they would like to recommend? Quality rating would be very helpful, as well as any links if possible.

  2. #2
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Online Printing Services

    I've been quite pleased with Mpix.

  3. #3
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    Re: Online Printing Services

    I've used great results. I tend to wait for their specials before ordering so I don't know how real prices compare with others. Sometimes the menu they use is a little confusing (always updating). Most NAPP members use Mpix. I've heard from severalfriends and this site I think one timeCostco is the best bang for the buck with a great lab but have never tried them. Hope this helps.

    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  4. #4
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Re: Online Printing Services

    Quote Originally Posted by andnowimbroke

    I've used [url="][/url]with great results. I tend to wait for their specials before ordering so I don't know how real prices compare with others. Sometimes the menu they use is a little confusing (always updating). Most NAPP members use Mpix. I've heard from severalfriends and this site I think one timeCostco is the best bang for the buck with a great lab but have never tried them. Hope this helps.

    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    I agree with what Greg said about adoramapix. The prints I've gotten from them have been very good. Also, when they run a special, it's usually a fantastic deal (especially for the more expensive papers). The one product I bought from MPIX (a book), I was unhappy with--so I haven't ordered from them again.

    When getting prints at Walgreens, I prefer to befriend the local Walgreens printing facilities so that they know exactly how I want my prints. You see, Walgreens applies an "auto correct" routine by default to every image they process. The corrections seem to help point-and-shoot images--but for someone who post processes their own images, the Walgreens "auto correct" can destroy all the nuances of the image. I always submit my orders online to, then call the local Walgreens (who'll be actually printing the images) and specifically request auto correction to be turned off.

  5. #5
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    Re: Online Printing Services

    Quote Originally Posted by John Hinton
    top quality professional printing service

    To me, that describes WHCC. I think they are the best in the business.

    4x6 WHCC:$0.25

    4x6 Mpix: $0.24

    4x6 Costco $0.13

    8x10 WHCC $2.20

    8x10 Mpix $1.99

    8x10 Costco$1.50

    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type" />

  6. #6
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    Re: Online Printing Services

    I wasn't for sure if the OP wanted the top quality printing or wasjust referring tothe one that closed.

    @ neuro How'd you sneek in there. I swear I was the first to post. Must be a Mac thing.
    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Re: Online Printing Services

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters
    You see, Walgreens applies an "auto correct" routine by default to every image they process. The corrections seem to help point-and-shoot images--but for someone who post processes their own images, the Walgreens "auto correct" can destroy all the nuances of the image.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Setters
    I agree with what Greg said about adoramapix. The prints I've gotten from them have been very good.

    Sean - Have you ever had Adoramapix do any "auto" correcting? I just set-up my first order with them and checked the box for them to do any correcting figuring they may be able to improve the color. Now I'm wondering if I should have clicked "No, leave my photo alone"!

    Denise (Nervous in WI)

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Re: Online Printing Services

    While I'm here, I thought I'd throw in a line about autocorrect. The first time I tried Adorama, I used autocorrect because I was unsure of how it would turn out (didn't have monitor cal. stuff then). It did turn out a little brighter than what I was trying for. I wanted more of a somber look, but they didn't know that and everything still worked out. Now that I have my setup, so long as I do my part right, everything will be peachy and I don't have worry about them guessing at what look I'm going for. As far as your order, I wouldn't worry. Somebody is looking at each photo to make sure it's right. This might give you a good reference as to how they adjust.

    Little side notes: I think they had a sale last november for the Christmas rush, so I hope you didn't buy too many extras. Metallic looks great on landscapes and waterfalls and when it's on sale (16x20 for $5) I'd give it a shot.

    Happy shooting.

    Words get in the way of what I meant to say.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI

    Re: Online Printing Services

    Nope, I didn't order anything other than the one the guy ordered. I will keep my eye out for those sales though! I do want to see what the metallic looks like!

    I just hope they don't over saturate the sky on the one I ordered and gave them full rein to do what they want. The sky sure doesn't need to get any brighter otherwise, people may need sunglasses to look at it! [H]


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