As luck would have it, got my new 7D yesterday, on its way back to Canon today. As I said, got the 7D two weeks earlier than I had expected. Charged the battery and fired it up for a few test shots. Seemed to work fine, downloaded the pics, was impressed, all is well, right? Wrong!!! Turned the camera off. Took half a day off from work just so I could get used to itbefore a weekend outing and.........The D$%^&**$% thing won't power up. Tried everything. Recharged the battery, checked the memory battery, switched lenses--I know, I was getting desperate at this point. Nothing works. Called Canon, did all of the same things again. Still nothing. Canon is sending me a repair order and a UPS mailing label.I should geta spare battery in the mail today, so I will try that beforeI send the camera back but my hopes are not high at this point.

Sorry for the ranting, But I know you folks understand my pain[:'(]
