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Thread: Samyang 35mm f/1.4

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Samyang 35mm f/1.4

    Anyone else had any experience with this lens? It's only been out a
    short while, by all accounts it's amazing, almost as good IQ in the
    centre as the Canon 35L, and beating it by far in the corners for any
    aperture. For 3x the price new, the canon L just adds AF and repositions the red ring from what I can tell.


    I just grabbed one on ebay, 2nd hand after a few months
    of 'filming use', $350 shipped (cf €409 new in the Netherlands, i've
    never seen a price in Australian Dollars). Once I get it in a week or
    two, presuming it's in as good nick as they claim, i'll be taking a lot
    of shots with it. I'm sure my friend has the Canon 35L (heck, he's got
    almost every other black lens with a red ring), i'll see if i can set up
    some direct comparisons if i can (with my 7D and/or his 5D2).


    In the meantime, it'd
    be good to hear of any other people's experiences with this lens, and
    given its reputation, i'd love to see it reviewed on this site (not sure
    if Bryan takes requests?)


    sample pictures shall come, any requests? (i've got a nice looking brick wall around here...)
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  2. #2
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    Re: Samyang 35mm f/1.4

    Dr, I think it would make the most sense to test it on the 5D2 since the claims are that it beats the 35L in the corners.

    It might be good info to have later if someone asked me about buying a reasonable priced 35mm.

    But persnallyI would be more inclined to lean this way:

  3. #3
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    Re: Samyang 35mm f/1.4

    Well I got it last week, and there's a few things I can say about it so far:

    It's sharp.

    It's fast.

    The bokeh is not so good.

    The aperture goes 1.4->2, then half-stops to 16, then 22. (I might
    take a screwdriver to it later to get rid of the click-stops).

    The focus is dodgy, but i blame it being 2nd-hand, not the design.
    Basically, there's a tiny extra resistance going past 0.7m, and when
    ultra-precise focussing, there's a few degrees of ring rotation before
    the focus shifts. Focus doesn't go 'past' infinity like my 15-85 and
    70-300L, to focus exactly at infinity means I have to give it an extra
    wrench to get past its few degrees of 'stalling'. I can live with it,
    for the price I paid ($350).

    Unfortunately my mate with the 35 f/1.4L got engaged recently, so
    he's probably too busy shagging to help me out with a direct comparison.

    In the meantime, i've taken some sample against my EF-S 15-85, which is not a soft lens by any means.

    First, the scene (scaled from the samyang f/5.6 shot):



    And the rules:

    No tripod, only a Gorillapod wrenched around a fence pole, TC80N3 shuttered.

    The EF-S 15-85 is a zoom lens, and I may have bumped the camera a tiny bit changing lenses.

    Combine that, and the framing is not *exactly* the same between
    shots, but I cropped as similarly as I could, left and bottom edge of
    the crops should line up the same.

    Shot in RAW on 7D, processed by DPP defaults, WB Daylight (still the
    15-85 shots a minute later are a bit yellower from the shifting sun),
    sharpness 3, ALO off, NR 1:1.

    ISO 100, speeds from 1/4000 (f/1.4) to 1/50 (f/16). Live view MFed on
    the bridge, metered on Av (all the speeds lined up with calculated).

    Hyperfocal of 35mm f/1.4 is 46m (dofmaster), the bridge was at least
    200m away, the house not much closer, so there shouldn't be much problem
    with DOF (at least past f/4.5 when the 15-85 comes in)

    Crops are 300x600 pixels of the house on the right. I've only done these edge-crops so far, the centres of all shots were damn good and I can't tell much difference between them


    So, the crops (I hope these line up nicely side-by-side):








    OK, so I made crops of f/11 and f/16 too, but you get the idea.

    There was a bit of wind about, but even f/8 was 1/200s, so the
    softness in the trees is more likely to be softness and not motion-blur.
    (or just look at the rooftop, and the lightpole).

    I never thought my 15-85 was that soft. Or maybe it's not, and the
    Samyang is just sharper. I shall endevour to harass my newly-betrothed
    friend to lend his 35/1.4L and 5D2, then I can get a better FF



    ps, Octagonal Bokeh:



    I've also got a shot showing a bit of purpling on my white/black quilt
    on the washing line, but I didn't get another lens to compare it to.
    Apparntly the Samyang has low CA in Imatesting, so i'll reserve
    judgement until i've taken a few proper comparisons...

    <edit: the pics didn't show up in the thread, but they're here when i clicked on edit. weird>
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  4. #4
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    Re: Samyang 35mm f/1.4


    Ask and you shall recieve I guess

    It looks like the center of the Samyang is not as good as the Canon, and the edges and mid frame are better. It appears to be how you thought it would be, although "almost as good IQ in the center" or "amazing" are a bit subjective, for the price it looks like it might be a good alternative.

  5. #5
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: Samyang 35mm f/1.4

    Nice writeup/review of the lens. Was looking at the 14mm Rokinon but my architectural work came to a halt so I put the purchase on hold.

  6. #6
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    Re: Samyang 35mm f/1.4

    Yeah, it
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  7. #7
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    Re: Samyang 35mm f/1.4

    Hmm, and I just found this one i'd taken a few days ago. Live-view MFed on the fence in the bottom right, wide-open f/1.4, iso100 1/4000s. No CPL, i'm still waiting for a step ring from ebay (i presume a 72mm cpl will be ok on the 77mm samyang, on my 7D at least). 1/1 Noise Reduction, DPP 'Monochrome' style (as opposed to colour converted then desaturated in gimp, which i reckon makes for more grain), red (DPP) filter, sharpness 4.

    And a crop from the far bottom-right, the plane of focus should be going through there somewhere. It's not razor-sharp, but it's good enough for me, i'm not printing this above 10x15".

    And from the middle-left, an OOF area, even at f/1.4, 35mm on an APS-C doesn't make for a very blurry background (probably a good thing, considering i'm planning this lens for some pics of friends' bands). But at least the bokeh wide open is better than i'd posted above...



    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

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