Hi everyone,

My wife and I have a T1i w/17-40 f/4, 50 f/1.8 and 70-200 f/4. We mostly take pictures of our (almost) 5 year old daughter and of the places we go and things we have done on our family vacations (got Pacific Coast comming up in April).

We are finding that we are fighting over the camera and with our 2nd baby on the way (August) we are thinking about the idea of getting a 2nd body. There have been a # of conversations already on these forums but mostly surrounding the T2i vs the 7D. I am thankful to have seen all the comments on this discussion but I am looking for some specific thoughts on the decision I am facing.

I have mentioned in previous posts that I am leaning towards a 5DmkII with the 24-105 f/4 kit. It was part of thought process when I bought the 17-40 and 70-200. If I do go this route, I plan to splurge on the 17-55 f/2.8 ef-s lens for the T1i.

Lately, I am hearing some rumors that a mkIII might be on the way some 6-18 months from now. I'm also starting to 2nd guess my original plan and consider the 7D. It seems like a great camera and I'll save a few bucks. My wife and I are amateurs really and we are worried that the 5D and FF camera's in general are a little beyond a skill level at this point.

Curious to hear some of the thoughts and suggestions from everyone. Coin is there for this kind of purchase but short of being filthy rich, no one wants to throw money away and I am no different. My wife and I agree that if it makes sense, we're willing to spend the dough and forego other discretionary expenditures in the short term (golfing - mostly my sacrifice[:'(], oh well).

Your comments will be super appreciated,
