Hi guys,

At the moment I am constantly frustrated by my 40D front focusing [:@] I have found myself switching to live view to get perfect focus a lot lately as one of my pet hates is slightly OOF images. But that's not optimal andI just can't accept the fact that a rather expensive (well when I bought it anyway) piece of gear doesn't perform as well as I'd like.

I could send the camera away to be calibrated but I don't really want to be out of a body for any length of time. I'm not really willing to buy a 50D/7D because my goal is to go full frame before the end of the year so an "in between" upgrade probably won't satisfy me.

I know there's some different firmwares out there for the 5DII but I'm struggling to find something similar for the 40D. Anyone know ofa non-Canon firmwarefor the 40D that includes AF Microadjustment?

Thanks in advance,
