I've been thinking for a while and can't really figure out how to sort this decision out. I bought some time ago the 70-200mm F2.8 non-IS and I'm looking forward to save the money to get a new mid/wide-range lens to substitude my kit lens.
So, the 24-70 was in my mind because it is an L lens and it ends right where my tele start, so I wouldn't have any focal length missing. But I heard such good reviews for the 17-55 EF-S -which was the lens I also had to choose from when I bought my 70-200- that I just couldn't get it out of my mind.

So, I think I won't be upgrading to a full-frame any time soon. I think I'll pass from the XSi to an xxD body sometime when my XSi will start not to work as perfectly as it does now, or will break down totally.
Thus, I'm not really sure if I should buy the L lens -another!- since I won't be getting a full-frame soon. But I'm not so sure to buy the EF-S and then someone will just get me the full-frame for christmas or my birthday sooner than I expected.

... What are your opinions? I'm still grasping out at straws here ^^