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Thread: D800, done it, anybody else??

  1. #1
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    D800, done it, anybody else??

    I got a few comments from folks that were surprised I was switching to Nikon, so why not start a thread. Yes, the rumors are true. I'm going to the D800. The primary reason is that I'm tired of waiting for Canon to get their act together and fix the low-ISO pattern noise that's plagued all my Canon cameras. There has been little to no improvement in the last 6 years (aside from 1D- and Rebel series cameras), and now Nikon is ahead in several other areas that are important to me as well (chiefly clean HDMI out and 50% more pixels). And now that they have replacements for *most* of my Canon glass (especially my favorite 24mm f/1.4) and fixed some of the most annoying problems (mirror cycling in liveview), there aren't as many barriers. That said, Nikon still has a number of annoying problems, including the star killer algorithm, hardcoded black clipping, white balance preconditioning, harmful analog gain, masked-off pixel removal, “lossy” LUT that was never updated when they went from 12 to 14 bits, etc. But Canon had their own laundry list of issues, and I can live with these.

    Now... who's with me?

  2. #2
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    Not me, but keep us posted please. I always like gear talk.


  3. #3
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    Well, if I was going to go to FF for landscapes, a D800 and Zeiss 21mm would be a very nice buy.
    But I just love my 7D too much, until there's a replacement for that I wouldn't consider nikon.
    And i'm just too lazy to run a dual-brand kit, like birds off 7D, landscapes off D800, and having to deal with 2 different softwares and workflows etc.

    Anyway, what's the ship date of the D800? I'm very interested to see how the images turn out...
    An awful lot of electrons were terribly inconvenienced in the making of this post.
    Gear Photos

  4. #4
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    Surprised you wouldn't wait for the final verdict on the 1DX and 5DmkIII. Hope you enjoy the other side, and looking forward to hearing what you love and what ends up driving you crazy over in Nikon land.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Raid's Avatar
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    Even thought you have moved to the dark side, we will still talk to you.

    PS: The reason why I first went Canon was the glass, the IQ from Canon is streets ahead.
    Canon EOS 7D, EF-S 10-22, EF 24-105L, EF 50 f1.2L, EF 70-300L, 430EX.

    "Criticism is something you can easily avoid, by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing." -
    Tara Moss

  6. #6
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    I'm with you Daniel- the only thing I don't understand is why *I* don't do it.

    (Mostly, too invested in canon glass which I love, and the "star killer" is a real killer since I like to do astro.)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie View Post
    And i'm just too lazy to run a dual-brand kit, like birds off 7D, landscapes off D800, and having to deal with 2 different softwares and workflows etc.
    I could handle the software side, but I would definitely want to be able to use my lenses on all the bodies (as a backup, at least). I just hope that someone comes out with a good mirrorless compact that takes Nikon lenses. The Nikon One system is perfect except for the too-tiny sensors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie View Post
    Anyway, what's the ship date of the D800?
    March 22, but Nikon is expecting a shortage:

    I'll be scrambling hither and yon trying to find one in stock.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie View Post
    I'm very interested to see how the images turn out...
    Me too! I'm planning a computer upgrade soon too, so I don't expect any problems from the increased pixel count. (Going from i7 950 3.0ghz + 24 GB RAM to Xeon E5-1620 3.6ghz, 64 GB RAM, plus upgrading from 8-disk RAID-50 to 24-disk RAID-50 -- keeping the 256 GB SSD)

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Croubie View Post
    True, but the cost of selling stuff 2nd hand and then buying again in a different mount is enough to put me off, pretty much forever.
    Yeah, it's pretty painful. What makes it even worse is that a lot of Nikon's equivalent lenses are more expensive, although in the last year Canon has caught up in that regard. I haven't decided what to do about replacing my EF 135mm f/2 -- such a beauty. Nikon's equivalent is not nearly as sharp or fast-focusing. Plus I'm going to be up a creek when it comes to astrophotography -- the accessories are currently made for just Canon, for the most part. I'm begging Hutech to do a DC adapter, though.

  9. #9
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    You've got me thinking, Daniel. But switch, I'd have to sell the following canon lenses: 16-35 f/2.8 II, 70-200 f/2.8 IS II, 24-105 f/4 IS, 35 f/1.4, 50 f/1.4, 65 MP-E, 85 f/1.2 II, 100 f/2.8 IS macro, and 135 f/2. I wouldn't have to replace them all (there is no counterpart to the 65 anyhow), but Nikon glass is not cheap. I figure I'd lose more than the price of a 5DIII just in making the switch... I'm really sort of stuck.

    (24 disk raid? Sounds excessive to me, but I guess I'm a lightweight... )

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DavidEccleston View Post
    Surprised you wouldn't wait for the final verdict on the 1DX and 5DmkIII.
    Yeah, it's a bit of a risky move for me. If it turns out that the 5D3 really did fix the temporal FPN then I'll be pretty upset with myself. But my expectations of Canon are so low that I don't really even think it's possible any more.

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidEccleston View Post
    Hope you enjoy the other side, and looking forward to hearing what you love and what ends up driving you crazy over in Nikon land.
    The worst part so far is that there is no site like for Nikon. Ken R***well is at the top of every google search, which is really annoying.

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