I've got two 430EXs that I use with a ST-E2. I've read in a few places that NiMH is the way to go for flash use. So, I've been using rechargeable AA "NoMEM 2000mAh Nickle Metal-Hydride" Batteries, I got on newegg.com as a part of a package deal a couple of years ago, with my 430EXs. I just picked up some "Energizer Rechargeable 2500mAh Nickle Metal-Hydride" batteries at Wal-Mart.
Is there an appreciable difference in these ****mAh ratings? I didn't realize they had ratings untilI got to looking at these.
Is there an appreciable difference in brands? I remember Consumer Reports had an article some years ago stating that all Heavy Duty batteries were basically the same and all Alkaline Batteries are basically the same.