Hi all,

I've been asked to do photography for a few gigs coming up such as ballroom dancing and as a second photographer for a wedding. So, stupid me went out and sold my 6D (which I was comfortable with) and bought a 5D MK III. Now, the camera is great. In the store I was taking some test shots with their demo model and noticed when you focused on something it would show a "map" of the AF points and where it was focusing. I've tried on my camera and all that shows up is the centre point then when it achieves focus it flashes red?? How do I turn on the previous setting where it shows where it's focusing?

I know how to manually select the focus point, it's basically the same as the 6D with far more options, but how do I turn that setting back on?

Also, does anyone know of a good online manual on how to use settings in a practical sense? I've got the manual but it has no practical examples here but the first gig is in a few days and I need to get good at this asap