My cousin shoots professionally. He has been using his 1DIV, and loves it. In the past month, he picked up a 5DIII. He loves that even better. I've seen images from it, and they're outstanding.

He called me to say that one of his 64Gb SanDisk cards became corrupted. They are the Extreme Pro 90Mb/s. He's had these cards when they first came out (I blanched when he told me he spent $550 each, but I guess it pays for itself when you make money with it).

He shot RAW + jpg. Fortunately, he recovered the jpgs, but the RAWs were unrecoverable. The card, once removed from the camera, could not be read once it was put back into the camera (he always shuts the camera off before removing the card.

He called me a couple of days later, and his 64 Gb Lexar also became corrupted. He ran a back up card, which was fine.

Now he's all worried, and is wondering if it's the card or the camera. Cards do become corrupted, but they went belly up so close together. It's weird. Luckily, there is a lifetime warranty on them, so he'll get them replaced.

He's got one more of the 64 SanDisks, so he's going to see what happens on his next shoot.

Any other 5DIII owners have this happen to you?