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Thread: A stitched Panning Panorama

  1. #1
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    A stitched Panning Panorama

    A cool stitched moving panorama of the Dallas Supercross winner Trey Canard jumping over the triple jump section. About as cool as you can get from the second row seats. Its an action motorsports image where thats not a big interest here but I thought I'd share anyways since I won't do many other things with it.

    [View:http://community.the-digital-picture...neric/utility/ A Panning Panorama by freelanceshots, on Flickr:1000:0]

  2. #2
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    <span style="font-size: small;"]File is to big to post the image here as a teaser. The smaller images are just not as impressive. Shot with the old 40D and the 70-200mm lens. I see that the link is only allowing the [size="1](1024 x 381) where I wish it would allow people to see the bigger image I uploaded at [/size][size="1]<span style="font-size: small;"](3000 x 1117). Original image is 9959 &times; 3708.

  3. #3
    Member rslhc's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    That is awesome!! I shot the Phoenix supercross. You can see some pics on my flickr @

    I really like your shots(s). One thing that I think if you don't mind a bit of critique is that it would be cool if the picture was cropped uniformly. Just looking at what you have here, you could not stitch in the final shot, and crop to the size determined mainly by your very first shot; if that makes sense.

    Overall though great job! <span style="text-decoration: line-through;"]What did you shoot it with?

    Edit: Just saw your post.
    Gripped 7D | 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM | 70-200 f/4L USM | 50mm f/1.8 mk1 | 80mm f/1.8 USM | 430EXII x2

  4. #4
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    I kind of like the progression of the frames. Its different where if I wanted to I could make a much better and more artistic background then the white. I'm just really busy with my actual work photography where I needed to be doing it then this. Yes, as he's jumping and I am panning since it was such a big area and I was looking down onto the action the view shifts quit a bit. I was zoomed in at 200mm so there was a lot of panning in those 5 or so images where they get hard to stitch together accurately because of the panning where things don't want to line up. I had to use some creative skill in photoshop to get it to mesh and blend.

  5. #5
    Member rslhc's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    Oh definitely! I am not saying that it is bad, it is just a different style of presenting the same thing. For just a side project I would say you did a great job. And yes, looking down on the action plays a huge role. I was lucky enough to be very close to the track for most of my shots. I just wish that I had more experience shooting SX so that I could have gotten a few better shots.
    Gripped 7D | 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM | 70-200 f/4L USM | 50mm f/1.8 mk1 | 80mm f/1.8 USM | 430EXII x2

  6. #6
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama


    Are you in the stands or on the floor for some of your shots. Hard to tell. The new Cowboy stadium is impossible to move around in. All the sections are walled off/separated where it would take for ever to move to different parts of the track. I was also sick as a dog so I just sat in my seat. Its a nightmare to try and get photos there unless you have a press pass/track access. I was about 65 feet up from the floor and about 100 feet from the action. The 7D would have done a much better job if I had one. Got to have those types of jobs coming in to justify buying one.

    What ISO and shutter where you at on some of your photos in Phoenix? I was at ISO800 and shutter 1/1000 of a sec and f2.8 to get the background blur.

  7. #7
    Member rslhc's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    I had an Industry pass for the event, so I was not actually able to be on the floor with the actual photographers once bikes were on the track. Most of my shots were taken during the practice rounds, where I could be low in the stands right by the track. And then our actual seats were about 25 feet from the edge of the track with about 6 or 8 feet in elevation difference. The 7D did a fantastic job! I shot a few sequences of the riders coming straight at me through the whoops. AF and Drive were both incredibly impressive. I probably would not have bought a 7D by choice, but I got an incredible deal on Craigslist on a barely used 7D, and I was able to sell my old XSi kit and an extra lens that came with the 7D and break even, therefore getting the 7D for free. (The lens was a Tokina fisheye that I did not particularly like by the way)

    I shot most of my stuff around f/3.5. I had a rental 70-200, and it wasn't incredibly sharp @ 2.8 ( Probably needed AF Micro adjustment, but I wasn't able to do that). Other than my aperture, my exposures were all over the place. Some were as high as 1/2000 @ ISO2000 some were at 1/500 @ ISO 800. Looking back on it, A lot of the shots I am disappointed with were just not high enough shutter speed. I would say the majority though were over 1/1000. I did take a few panning shots of RV &amp; JS at 1/50 ISO100 though that I particularly like.
    Gripped 7D | 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM | 70-200 f/4L USM | 50mm f/1.8 mk1 | 80mm f/1.8 USM | 430EXII x2

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    Really interesting shot(s). Thanks....

  9. #9
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    Here is another one that I did since I've finished my other work and
    almost completed my taxes. A little artistic design on the background
    but I am by no mean a graphic designer.

    [View:http://community.the-digital-picture...neric/utility/ Chad Reed Dallas Supercross 2011 by freelanceshots, on Flickr:550:0]

  10. #10
    Senior Member freelanceshots's Avatar
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    Re: A stitched Panning Panorama

    I wish I was feeling better at this event as I might have tried some other interesting captures. I

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