So I just moved down to Florida to work in the everglades, and its amazing here for bird photography. Most of my job involves working from air boats, and of course I always want to bring my camera with me, since I see so many cool things throughout the course of the day. My concern is that the air boats vibrate a lot, plus occasionally bounce a bit going over things, so Im worried about it doing bad things to my camera (50d and 100-400mm). I keep it in a padded case, but wonder if that is enough protection for it, or if I should just leave it home during work.

What should I do and is it something I really should be concerned with.

here are a few photos I have captured in my first week here.

f5.6, 260mm, 1000th sec. Mixed flock of wading birds (4 species)


f5.6, 400mm, 1/250sec Snowy Egret


f6.3, 400mm, 1/200sec. Purple Gallinule


Thanks for the input
