Traded in some of my unused equipment and some cash for a new 6D. Currently have a 7D which i will keep and be using for sports, wildlife and for my EFS 10-22. Decided to go FF for landscapes and low light shooting.

As not a pro could not justify paying almost double for the 5Diii. I have been very happy with the 7D and see no reason to upgrade to a new 7D Mark ii when it arrives(Want yes, need no).

I have picked up a EF 40MM pancake for a very light WA setup. When I purchased my 7D and my lens they where purchased by recommendations from this forum and clearly was a very good choice.

Any suggestions for a 10 stop ND filter. I have been happy with B&W as have their UV and polarizer filters. Not looking for the best but just something decent that will produce pretty good results.

Any tips on setting up the 6D?

Current lens - Canon EF 24MM Pancake, Canon EFS 10-22, Canon EF 24-105L F4, Canon EF 70-200L F2.8 IS ii, Canon EF 400L F5.6
