My next photographic upgrade is probablya newcomputer. I have been using a HP from 2004 with a 2.2 GHz AMD Athlonprocesser, 512 MBmemory, 200 GB hard driveand windows XP.My photos are stored on a 1 TB external hard drive. Working inDPP can be very slow andconverting RAW to jpeg is slow enoughthat I typically get it going overnight or during the day when I am off to work.I try to get as much out of something as I can, but the computer is acting slow enough it is starting to drive even my wife a little nutty. I have heard that I could "rebuild" the software, and that may improve it's performance. But I am thinking it is probably past time for an upgrade. Anyone have thoughts on how to upgrade my current computer or if it is even worth upgrading? If I get a new computer, given that photography and the internet are the most intensive uses (no gaming) any recommendations on the specs I should be looking for?

As always, thanks in advance.
