Hello all, after the great help I had in here in choosing what lens to buy, I need some more help.

I bought the 15-85mm 3.5-5.6 on advice in here, and am glad I made that decision, it's a great all-purpose lens.

I'm currently in the market to replace the 400D I'm borrowing from my Dad with my own body, and I've pretty much settled on the 60D for the additional features it offers over the 550D and 600D (including, but not limited to, the larger viewfinder, the greater battery life, better build quality).

Now, what should I be looking for when deciding where to buy it? I bought my lens from Digital Rev who ship from HK, and they were great. Not only did I get a fantastic price, but also stupidly fast delivery and a generally good service, and because their price for the 60D is great, I'd be keen to use them again.

However, I've read that there may be Canon Warranty issues with buying bodies from overseas. Should I be wary of this? Is it worth the extra £100 to get it somewhere I can walk into if I ever have a problem? Even though any purchase is legally contracted via the seller and not the manufacturer?

I'm also looking at memory cards and bags for it (which the extra £100 should easily fund). Do you get a card with a camera? How big? I'm off on holiday in September and I've been putting up with the 2GB card my Dad lent me with the 400D, which won't go far on holiday.