UPDATE AGAIN: Back on Ebay, Buy-it-now for 172 USD, free shipping. Buy with paypal and your purchase is protected.

UPDATE: The buy-it-now ended on ebay, so now I can sell it outside of ebay, and since I won't be charged ebay fees, I am willing to part with these for $165 each, free shipping. Any takers? I will accept PayPal for payment. You can still check out the link below for pictures. I will only leave this price up for a little while and then I will put it back on ebay for more.

I have a buy-it-now ending soon on ebay. If you miss the end time, I can sell it outside of ebay. 181.00 USD. Item is NIB minus the UPC for rebate purposes. There are two for sale on the same auction.

<span style="color: #0000ee; text-decoration: underline;"]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&amp;ssPageName=STRK:MESELX: IT&amp;item=130305489341