As I walk through my workplace, I often see shot in my head that marketing might be able to use to benefit the company. I'm on a mission to capture at least a few of these so that I may give them to our marketing department to use in whichever way they feel is most beneficial. I was finally able to check-off one of those shots off the list in my head.

The subject is a person I've come to know from working at IDG, LLC. With a background in chemistry, she is very intelligent, personable, friendly, and one of the most amazing cooks I've ever known.

I'm not going to post this to flickr, as I'm not sure I want too many people seeing it before it's my final set of images. I wanted to give you guys a first-look, though. ;-)

I'll be headed to Chicago tomorrow (Fri) and won't be back to my home desk until Monday. Posts will be sporadic at best after this evening until I return.


strobist: 1 Vivitar 285, camera right (high, basically beside subject pointed downward), 1/4 power, with 2 full CTO gels, shot through a 15" Alzo Mini Softbox, triggered via Cybersync. 1 Canon 580EX, below subject pointed upwards, 1/32 power, with 1 full CTO + 1/2 CTO gel, shot through a DIY snoot directed at the flask the subject's left hand, flash triggered optically. 1 Vivitar 285HV, camera right (behind subject), 1/4 power, with full CTB (blue) gel, bare, perched on top of my MaxSaver flexible tripod which was placed a tabe, shot to rake across the background, triggered optically. White balance set to tungsten.