Ok, once I get my Canon vs. Sigma 85mm lens swap (or not) squared away, I'll move on to my next item on my agenda ...

Am I crazy to be thinking to swap out my 70-200mm f/4 L IS for the 135mm f/2.0 L?

Negatives: Loss of IS & zoom flexibility

Positives: Sharper? Better in low light? With loss of IS I presume this is with tripod only. Better IQ, bokeh?

I already own the 100mm f/2.8 IS so with the extra 35mm really be a benefit?

Feel free to tell my I'm crazy on this one ...no offense will be taken or maybe my thinking isn't so far off the rational track? [^o)]

BTW - I shoot with a 7D.

Opinions appreciated & I 'd love to see some photos shot with the 135mm!
