Hey everybody

I'll be representing my school's media (I'd rather say that than slideshow club, yearbook, newspaper, and athletic council []) at one of our baseball games. The forecast seems fine for tommorow, so my EF-S 55-250 should do me fine in terms of speed.

What I'm bringing:

- 40D

- 430 EX flash (fill for team/individual shots)

- Tokina 12-24 f/4

- EF-S 17-85

- 55-250

- 50 1.8 II (aka Plastic Fantastic)

I plan to mainly use the 55-250 most of the time, but I'm sure I'll find use for the thrifty-fifty and Tokina zoom too. Yes, the guys at Getty have the 400's, but I can't afford that.[]

Anybody have good advice to share? Where should I shoot from? I frequently see the pros in the MLB shoot from the side by 1st base.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

- Alex