I picked mine up Saturday at Arlington Camera in Arlington, TX. There were still two or three more on the shelf...and they were on sale.

Some general impressions from the first 500 frames.
  • ISO performance stomps my 1D MKII by a wide margin. ISO-6400 looks likes ISO-800 or even ISO-400 on the 1D.
  • The viewfinder is a HUGE improvement in size and brightness.
  • 21 MP take sharpening and other adjustments in PS really well. You can crop to levels that are insane (I'm coming from 8MP /10MP on my 1DMKII and XTi).
  • The LCD size is nice, but the brightly colored menu items are exquisite. The LCD on the 1DMKII now looks like a thumbnail.

I dropped in a sample... I was lucky enough to work with a local model on Sunday and get some good test shots.


Canon 5DMKII, EF70-200MM F/2.8L IS USM, 200MM, F/2.8, ISO-100, -0.3 Step, 1/100