Someone at work has settled in on getting the Nikon D300s and is asking me about lenses. They haven't let me know what the budget limitations are, but my general impression is that it is around $2,000-$2,500 for the entire kit. They are moving up from a P&S. I don't really know Nikon too well, so I was wondering what people here thought would be a good kit basic Nikon kit?

If they were buying into Canon, I think their budget would be equivalent to something like:
  • 18-55 II kit lens (maybe the 15-85)
  • Some sort of zoom to ~300 mm
  • 50 mm f/1.8 II
  • 430EX II

Any thoughts on what the good equivalent equipment in the Nikon world is would be appreciated. I am planning on giving them a couple of options and letting them select.
