I have had a issue whit my 7D since last week (thats when I noticed the problem). The problem is that i can't switch the aperture from the back wheel (have seth the wheel on the back for aperture and the wheel next to the shutter to shutter speed). The wheel works for everything beside switching the aperture. I have made checked the custom functions (operation and others 1) and the back wheel is for signed for AV. My 7D is two years old and this is the first time theres problem whit the functions.
I have also noticed problems whit my 70-200 F4 is after upgrading to the new firmware 2.0.3 -> the problem is that the camera an lens combination works fine in AF/servo (it's spot on) mode but when i change to ONE SHOT mode it's just out of focus (and now AFMA helps). I have micro adjusted the AF after upgrading my firmware and noticed that i had to change the settings on some lenses (400 f5,6 before upgrade 0 -> after upgrade +5). But whit the 70-200 there's a big different if i take a picture of a static object in SERVO or ONE SHOT and in favour for the SERVO.