For those interested, the following pictures were taken yesterday afternoon and this morning in a little town just south of Albuquerque, NM. What you see in these photos is the smoke filled sky from the Arizona fire that has burned almost 300,000 acres of forest and is rapidly heading to NM. I live about 200 miles from this fire, but we are definitely "breathing" and seeing some the ancillary effects from this fire.

Please excuse the poor quality of the photo---but the colors are accurate. Keep in mind this was taken at about 6:00 pm, when the sun should have still been very bright. The smoke has completely obscured the sun leaving this very eerie orange sky.---


This next one shows the transition from the smokey sky to the fairly clear sky


This last one is the sunrise this morning---still some pretty interesting colors, but not as dramatic as the first two.


These were all quick grabs with my 450D and 10-22, so please excuse the skewed architecture. Our builders really can build a house that doesn't lean

Anyway, thought you might find these interesting.


P.S. Bless those who have been directly affected by this terrible fire.