Hi All,

Here is an interesting mind boggler I am currently thinking about.

Last year I have bought my second hand 40d. The camera works fine, and I am very glad to have made the upgrade from my compact to this DSLR.

When selecting the 40D, I took in mind, What do I have to spend for this camera, and what do the reviews say?

At that time the 50D was a bit to expensive for me ( even in the second hand market ) and also I had read some reviews that the 40D would be a better buy, because it was in some features a little better than the 50D.( from the top of my head it had to do something with a higher ISO on the 50D would cause more noise than on the 40D )

But, here is the thing I am thinking about currently.

When I look at the second hand camera market here in The netherlands, I see that for a second hand 40D I could ask about 400 - 450 euros.

A second hand 50D now costs about 500- 600 euro ( pending on what is extra, battery grip or lens )

The thing I am concerned about is, that the 60D has made his entrance, so now I am running with my 40D 1 model behind. Should ( and I think this will be a matter of time ) the 70D come into market, I then am 2 models behind. Also I expect that should the 70D come into the market, my 40D would lose value overnight

So I am currently thinking of selling my 40D for about 400- 450 euro