Hi all -

About an hour ago, I lost my job and I will need to put photography behind me and figure out what I am going to do.

First off, I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the advice, guidance, support and friendship you have shown me over the past year and a half. I never would have been able to learn so much anywhere else. Nor have I ever seen an online community so generous with their time, knowledge & support as this one! Every day I am in awe by your superior knowledge and skills!

Secondly, I would like to give everyone a heads up that ALL of my photography gear will be up for sale soon! My mind is in complete turmoil right now so I have not begun to go thru everything and set any prices but if you are looking for something that I may have, please feel free to shoot me a message so we can talk! I will be honest, I