
Since people started to adjust my photos with only the jpegs available, I got curious about what you could do with my original files. [] Let's see how creative you are!

I'm not sure how many are willing to try, but I'm looking forward to any result! It could be a HDR photo or just an adjusted photo, everything is possible from a natural photo to an artistic one. Do whatever you want to do to make it work!

One and only rule here is that you show your result on this thread [H]

I'm looking forward to them!

Link to zipfile with 3 tiff files for max. potential406MB filesize

Link to zipfile with 3 jpeg files, less MB, but also less potential22MB filesize

Good luck!!![Y]


Original message: Hey,

I just shot a sunset in panorama, 5 photos used horizontally. I also did it in 3 exposures during each horizontal shot so I also made a HDR photo.

The sunset was beautiful thanks to an enormous cloud of ashes, which is very visible, due to a vulcanic eruption in Iceland about a week ago [] also the reason there isn't any flight-traffic around here for 4 days now [:P]

Here is the normal exposed version:

Link to Full size image, because it really shines full-size.

And here is the HDR version :

Link to Full size image

HDR number 2 :

Link to Full size image

Please tell me what you think. Lately I'm trying out more HDR photos and I'm just curious what you think of it[]
