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Thread: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    I shot this on the edge of the flint hills in Marion Co. Kansas. I wanted to get some good shots of grass fires but mother nature had another plan. Hence, the shot of this thunderstorm brewing in the background.

    [img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/[/img]50d with a 17-55 at 17mm, f10, 1/50sec., ISO 400, tripod. Tweaked the saturation and contrast a bit in Lightroom to bring out the color.

    C&C Please!
    Jeremy (Cytoman)

  2. #2

    Re: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    great shot, only thing i would do differently just because its the way i think looks best is to equal out the space so the sky and field are 50/50 split. I find that if its more so one way or the other it draws my eye and attention to the greater area, in this case the sky

    If that makes any sense.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    i like the foreground element in the old warped fence post, but i would have cleaned it up a bit by getting the telephone line and wires out of the shot. perhaps moving about a foot to the left would have gotten the background cleaner, but you may have had to sacrifice some of the beautiful orange horizon you captured.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Fast Glass's Avatar
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    Ferndale WA

    Re: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    Very nice shot.

    I see some CA on the post. Try using DPP or Lightroom to remove it.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    Thanks for the comment. In my excitement of capturing the shot I didn't think much about the ground vs. sky proportion. As I look back I probably would have added more foreground to the shot. Never thought about the 50/50 since most "professionals" preach the rule of thirds.
    Jeremy (Cytoman)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    Quote Originally Posted by erno james

    i like the foreground element in the old warped fence post, but i would have cleaned it up a bit by getting the telephone line and wires out of the shot. perhaps moving about a foot to the left would have gotten the background cleaner, but you may have had to sacrifice some of the beautiful orange horizon you captured.
    <div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>

    Thanks, Erno. You are right about the wires. I was working on it but rushed so I could get several more angles and shots. I should have taken more time with this one, it was my best out of the bunch.
    Jeremy (Cytoman)

  7. #7

    Re: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    Hi, Cytoman!

    It seems, you didn't finally decide what is the focus of the picture? Grass (as originally intended), fence post or "brewing storm... So, your shot reflects perfectly this state of your mind, IMO.


  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Re: C&C Please: Spring Landscape

    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"]<span style="font-size: small;"]<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"]I like it, fine tuning as everyone else has said but yeah looks good, well done. You could also try putting the 50D just above the wild flowers; different perspective and that will bring in the rule of thirds better. I like the old post and wire gate, adds character.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"]
    <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt;"]<span style="font-size: small;"]<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"]<span style="mso-spacerun: yes;"]Scott

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