Hi everyone! Just want to ask for your help & suggestions. What would be a best combo for the 10-22? Acutally there's another post that i've made asking between the 15-85 vs 17-55. Having said that i'll simplify my point asi'm considering 3 lenses to go with my 10-22.

I like the 15-85 because of its versatility on both wide & long end with very good image quality.

I like the 17-55 because of the constant f2.8 aperture BUT it is expensive and the range is a bit short but not too bad.

Lastly, i'm considering the 24-105 because having the 10-22 covered I think it is a useful range as well and of course the fact its an L lens.

I think the 3 lenses are very good but comments and suggestions would be greatlyappreciated. My other main concern is that, f2.8 against f4? Would it be that bad shooting indoors for f4?Or just switch to 50mm f1.8 in those situations?
