
Been awhile since my last post as I've been pretty busy shooting soccer and lacrosse with an occasional portrait thrown in. I did land my first corporate gig in which I'll be shooting a day long seminar and awards ceremony that includes break-out sessions and dinner etc. I'm hoping to master the flash vs. ambient dynamic before June 21st. Any topline tips would be appreciated.

My burning question, though, is for those that have tried both of the lenses in my subject line. I'm a coupla months away from pulling the trigger on the 300 2.8L for sports. I shoot both day and night sports. I was wondering if I should hold out for the much more expensive 400 2.8L or is the 300mm enough? I've heard and read so much about the 300mm IQ.....that it sounds like it's preferred from a IQ standpoint and that with a 1.4X extender I would have the alternative focal length at a considerable savings.

Thanx in advance for your input!

