Hi all. Got a problem. Use l series lens on my IDSMK3. Got quite a few zoomz and primes but im now moving in to both portraits which i used to have no interest in and indoor stuff where no flash or tripod are allowed e.g churches and galleries. The cost of the 1.2 is a lot and whilst well built (had a look at one at a camera exhibition) i cant really justify the cost for that extra bit of light. My mate has a Nikon 1.4 50mm and loves it. He also has a 1.8 85mm which i may purchase later but use the 70-200 f2.8 for now. Just wondered what you think of both these lens choices. Im used to l's and have the l disease where i just cant stop buying them. So the 1.4 will be my first none L.


p.s after reading reviews on here i sold my wife and a couple of kidneys and bought a 500 f4. It was worth every penny. Only downside it isnt as fun in bed as the wife. LOL