Okay, this is my first time having a good camera on a 4th of July, since I just got it this Spring. I am going to attempt to take some photos this evening of the fireworks display over the bay where we live. There is also a beautiful fountain with built-in lighting that I want to shoot, since it has a flag flying "in frame" that I could capture for a nice image. Finally, I thought I might have an opportunity to shoot some pictures of my wife and son sitting on the grass, looking up at the sky, with their faces lit by the colorful light of the fireworks.

My equipment is as follows:

Canon 40D, EF 17-40 f/4L, EF 28-135 3.5-5.6, tripod with built-in removablemonopod. The 17-40 alsohas a polarizing filter that fits it. No flash other than built-in at the moment. No remote trigger, though that is a priority.

How does one capture thefireworks' full blossom? I am assuming tripod. I know I need a fairly long exposure, but I'm not sure how to accomplish it properly. Do I need Tv mode? I have been a slave to Av for the most part until now, allowing shutter speed to be determined by the camera. How about ISO? Focusing? Should I use a timer? How about f-stop for DOF? It is going to be so dark that I assume the camera can't focus by itself. Should I shoot manually? If so, how do I know my settings are workable to get a shot? Too much control, with my experience, may be a bad thing. [:O]

Also, What shutter speed range to accomplish the fountain shot? I know I need to give it time to capture the motion of the water flowing, so not too short. How long is too long? I could tripod this shot, too. Actually, it occurred to me that this may be a neat candidate for HDR, If I can get the water to behave consistently.

What are everyones' suggestions? TIA!