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Thread: Uploading Images

  1. #1

    Uploading Images

    this has probably been posted somewhere already but I can't seem to find do you post images to the site?

    Appreciate the help.

  2. #2

    Re: Uploading Images

    in the upper right corner is the link to your user profile, click on you user name to access this area, ( you will need to login, repleying to a post is an easy way to login ) then look for ( my files ) in the lower right side of the screen, click on that, then use ( add files - browse ) to upload your files from your computer to that area. I think there is a way to browse you HD I found, but this work OK.

    then when repleying to an post use the little film strip icon in the tool bar above there you type to insert a photo from your MY FILES area.

    If you have files you want to add from the internet ( web sharing site ), just view the picture, copy the url address from the address line in your browser, then again use the insert media tool and paste the address in file location.

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