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Thread: issue with uploading images

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    issue with uploading images

    I was trying to upload some images this evening. Message came up that it was 12.2kb over my quota. Deleted some earlier posts with images. Tried uploading again. Same message and amount appears. What's up doc???

  2. #2
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA
    What's the size of the file you're trying to upload? The per-user limit is rather small and could possibly be reached with one full-resolution upload.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Small B&W of approximately 40-50kb file size which should be well under the image file size restrictions unless that has been changed since I last uploaded. Was using Chrome at the time.

    Update: It seems to be working fine this morning. Any believers in Gremlins?
    Last edited by jrw; 03-23-2014 at 01:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Savannah, GA
    And oddly enough, I didn't change anything.

    Glad to hear it's working again! :-)

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Am finding this to be an ongoing problem. Unable to share photos anymore at all. Message keeps coming up that the image is xx MB over your quota. Images are typically 50-60 kb after resizing efforts. Have eliminated many old posts to no avail.

    Browsers used include IE, Chrome and FireFox

  6. #6
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    I've been digging into the issue this morning. It seems that just deleting your previous messages does not delete the photos uploaded for those messages. From the looks of it, you have 94 images uploaded to your account (I think). As deleting the old threads didn't actually remove the images from your account, they are still taking up space.

    I'll try to figure out a solution...

  7. #7
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Just checked the statistics - jrw, you are indeed the user with the most total space used on the site from attachments uploaded to the forum. I'm afraid you've just run into the site limit. :-)

  8. #8
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    I suppose I could delete all the images you posted prior to a certain date. If that's alright, you can let me know the cutoff date and I'll trim your attachments down.

    Unfortunately, there's no way for me to tell which attachments belong to threads you've already deleted without going into each attachment's reference page individually and scrolling through the thread to see if the original post has been deleted (prohibitively time consuming).

  9. #9
    Administrator Sean Setters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrw View Post
    I see someone has been busy while I was out this afternoon with a camera.
    So I am still pushing the boundaries am I. Good to know.
    It has been a while since I've posted any images. They can all come down as none of them are current.

    Any chance of setting things up on the forum to automatically delete images for those who don't link to other sites? Just a thought.
    I deleted all of your images posted prior to February of this year (there were a few posted after that - but they'll remain until you fill the quota).

    I don't know if it's possible for a registered member to automatically purge their uploads (at least, all at once). If it is, I'll enable that feature (if necessary) and let you know.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Thanks Sean.

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