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Thread: Getty Images

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Kenosha, WI

    Getty Images

    Good Morning!

    I received an email today from Getty Images that they are interested in a number of my photos! Does anyone here license their photos for commercial use through Getty? I haven't read through all of the legal stuff yet but has anyone had any positive or negative experiences doing this? I really don't know a whole lot about it ...yet.

    Last edited by ddt0725; 02-19-2013 at 04:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Ottawa, ON
    I recently went through this. Pricing seems hit or miss, but you do get a decent percentage cut aside from buyers with bulk deals. Once you're invited, or perhaps once you've accepted (your photos are approved separately, so feel free to make an account) you'll get access to some Flickr groups with people discussing issues they are having, how much they're making (or not making), and a long-running Google fiasco.

    Once you approve them to use a photo, you have NO CONTROL OVER HOW THE PHOTOS ARE USED. I made my Getty account, but in the end I didn't approve the use of any photos, because they were all of Bella. Somebody could make Bella the poster child of a cult, or childhood mental illness, or who knows what. I'm not going to risk that for a couple bucks.

    If you have non-people images, go for it. For people you have to consider the worst and how that could affect your subject.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Kenosha, WI
    That's right, I totally forgot about you posting a thread on this not too long ago! Sorry for the double thread on the same subject admins!

    All of them are of my dogs that they are asking me to submit for review except for one which is of my granddaughter. Of course, I won't be submitting that one. I guess I will submit the rest just to see what happens. IMO, the ones they have asked for submittal aren't even my best of them!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Kenosha, WI
    They are still going through the ones that were submitted from their original request but so far the ones they have gone through they have all been accepted! The shocker is that they are selling them some of those for almost $400 each for a download!! Crazy!

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