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Thread: Zion hike and photos

  1. #1
    Senior Member EricPvpi's Avatar
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    Zion hike and photos

    I recently took an extended weekend in Zion for some hiking and pictures. I was in Vegas for a conferences, so I thought this was a nice side trip.

    Since most of my gear was decided based on this forum, I thought it was a decent set as my first share.

    Everything was shot with a 60D and 17-55 f/2.8. I hiked with the camera, F-Stop Guru pack, and a 3LT Brian carbon tripod. Pack was great with the gear, almost a gallon of water and food. After the first day I left the 70-200 f/4L back since I found little use. There wasn't a lot of wildlife to see.

    It was phenomenally beautiful, just about every step was a photo opportunity. The water was pretty low, I imagine spring would be great for the waterfall and river shots.

    54 pics in total on Flickr, here are a few highlights. All of these are straight from the camera, no post processing yet.

    Start of my first hike.

    IMG_2454.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    Highlight of the trip was a hike through the Narrows. The trail is the river. Water was knee deep for the most part, up to waist deep. Canon is 1300 feet deep and at times, the trail/river narrows to 22 feet through a section called Wall Street.

    IMG_2602.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    IMG_2611.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    IMG_2646.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    IMG_2659.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    My third day was a hike up from river level to top of the canyons. 1500+ foot climb and I realized I am getting old.

    IMG_2772.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    IMG_2793.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    IMG_2812.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    It was a great trip, I would love to go back and see Bryce and and few more locations.

    Thanks for looking!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator Kayaker72's Avatar
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    Nice set of shots Eric. Glad you had a good time in Zion.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Kombi's Avatar
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    Love that area. We have been there 2x now as sidetrip - did that same hike to angels peak-- came to same conclusion - I am getting old.

    I was exhausted by the time we got to the top,(was about 90f day we went) but loved walking down refreshed talking like it was no big deal passing the people walking up huffing and puffing.

    I hope to make it to the area next year as well. Zion is great with small and large trails walking up the mountain.
    Bryce is reverse walking down into the valley.

    If anyone is ever in the area, highly recommend at least a daytrip.

    Thanks for sharing your pictures and bringing back fond memories.

  4. #4
    Senior Member EricPvpi's Avatar
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    Thanks all, it was a great trip. Since I was headed out for a conference, I left the family at home and was able to go at my own pace and take some time where I wanted to setup a tripod and take some shots.

    Maybe it will Bryce next year!


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Great images. You don't get a sense of scale until you see the person in image #3 and realize how tiny he looks. Then I started looking for people in other images.
    Mark - Flickr

  6. #6
    Senior Member EricPvpi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
    Great images. You don't get a sense of scale until you see the person in image #3 and realize how tiny he looks. Then I started looking for people in other images.
    Definitely, as I took some of the shots I just couldn't get all of the cliffs in. I started wishing for an ef-s 10-22 to get it all in the frame.

    I wish I took a full shot of this one, the climbers were amazing.

    IMG_2528.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr

    If you go to Flickr for this one and pull the largest file, you can look across the ridgeline and see the people hiking to Angels Landing.

    IMG_2771.jpg by EricPvpi2, on Flickr
    link to large:

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    awesome series man! the human element is a great touch

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