I saw that Bryan has both, anybody knows the typical difference between the two?
I saw that Bryan has both, anybody knows the typical difference between the two?
One is more natural, and the other more photonic?
very nice explanation [H]
Inside, the Photo Trekker II is 2.4 inches taller and 0.6 inches wider (12W X 5.9D X 19.1h) than the Nature Trekker II (11.4W X 5.9D X 16.7H). According to Lowepro, the Photo Trekker II holds "2 large pro SLRs (including the largest professional 35mm or digital
SLRs), and 6–7 lenses up to a 600mm f/4.0; or medium format system,
including large 6 x 7 camera (like the Mamiya® RZ); or large format
field camera with film holders and lenses; or professional video system
(like the Canon® GL1S)," while the Nature Trekker II holds "large 35mm or digital pro SLR; 4–5 lenses (up to a 400mm f/2.8); flash
and accessories; or compact medium format system (like the Mamiya®
645); or small field camera system."
George Slusher
Lt Col, USAF (Ret)
Eugene, OR
There are many days where I wished I had the Photo Trekker instead of the Nature Trekker. The sides are just a bit too short for me. My normal setup (assuming the "top" handle is towards me, the shoulder straps are down, and the lid is open) is to put a filter at the very far end on either side. In the left side, I'll put two flashes, and with a divider that leaves very little room for a lens close to the camera. In the right side, if I put the 70-200/2.8, there isn't enough room for anything else of significance (maybe the nifty fifty and some caps), yet there's excess room.
If I stick a Lens Case 4 on the outside and put the 70-200 in that, I can usually get everything else I need into the Nature Trekker (1D3, gripped 40D, 16-35, 24-105, 50/1.8, 4 580 flashes) except my Rebel (which rarely goes on single-bag trips anyway).
We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.
u take 4 580EX with u all the time? how are u gonna mount them ...
I'll often take all four, with 2-3 folding light stands ball-bungeed together. Easy to carry in an open hand; I haven't gotten around to doing the dril/strap trick a la Strobist.
We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.
I always carry 1 580EX, 3 Vivitar 285HVs, 1 Vivitar DF400MZ, and 1 Vivitar 2800, along with 4 lightstands.........of course, I don't go hiking. ;-)
Originally Posted by airfang
You should have seen me on Sunday. 5D, 1D Mark III, 16-35II, 24-70, 70-200/2.8, two flashes, flash battery pack, water bottle, spare batteries for everything. Two mile (round-trip) "hike" to capture part of a bicycling event. Lowepro belt/suspenders to the rescue.
We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.
I say it'd be of great help if you guys can post pictures of ur actual setup/fully loaded..
I sometimes just have hard time trying to figure that out...