The winners for Weeks 27, 28, 29, and 30 are presented so that you can vote for the Image of the Month: July for both landscape and portrait categories.
Please vote for only one image per category.
The Weekly Winners:
Week 27 Landscape: Tounis "Evening light on the Dents de Morcles"
Week 28 Landscape: Kayaker72 "Fireworks over Portsmouth, NH"
Week 29 Landscape: nvitalephotography "Blue Cypress Lake Sunrise"
Week 30 Landscape: Sean Setters "Overton County Fair 2014"
Overton County Fair 2014 by budrowilson, on Flickr
Week 27 Portrait: Zach "Bucky"
Week 28 Portrait: conropl "Family Portrait"
Week 29 Portrait: Jayson "The Flash"
Week 30 Portrait: clemmb "Mom & baby girl"
Voting will be open for 1 week.