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Thread: Lightroom 3 help please!

  1. #1
    Senior Member DLS's Avatar
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    British Columbia

    Lightroom 3 help please!

    Hi all. I'm using LR3 on a PC (Windows 7-64bit). I tried searching LR3 help, but figured asking The Community would be better.

    I exported some photos just to a folder on the HD and noticed that, 1: A few of the thumbnails have portions that are greyed-out.....but the actual expanded file is fine - no grey. When I burned the files onto a disk, the thumbnails had no grey.... Anybody had this happen to them?

    The second thing was that the files were not only exported to the specified folder on theHD but during the export I noticed that they were also copied to the LR there're doubles now in the "All Photographs" folder...

    I searched for Export settings, but came up dry.


    Thanks in advance


  2. #2

    Re: Lightroom 3 help please!

    I can

  3. #3
    Senior Member DLS's Avatar
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    British Columbia

    Re: Lightroom 3 help please!

    Ahhh, i

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    The Netherlands

    Re: Lightroom 3 help please!

    And as far as the grey's are concerned... I happened to see this a few times as well. I think it happens when you watch the exportfolder while doing the export. Windows will try to make a sample thumbnail, however when the process is still working, it might make a preview thumbnail while the process is still in progress. Inother words: it makes a preview thumbnail while the image isn't completed yet. So you'd get the thumbnail for the part of tha progress that is completed and the rest remains grey.

    Does that make sense?

  5. #5
    Senior Member DLS's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    British Columbia

    Re: Lightroom 3 help please!

    Thanks Jan. Seems like a glitch in the Matrix......Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they were also exported back to the catalog as well as a folder on the HD... We

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