Hi all,

Long time no post. I've got a handle on which lenses I needed to buy and have bought the best ones for my needs (L series 100 macro and L series 24-105). However I've started doing newer things with photography and found my 24-105 doesn't cut it. For example, my fiance and I went to an aquarium and I was having a major hassle trying to get any photos to show any detail. It was very low light (except for some displays) and I had to set it to 1 second shots etc just to show some light in the 24-105. Needless to say fish that were 5-6 inches long ended up looking 3 foot long by the time the shutter came down.

I've been told that the smaller the aperture number the better it is in low light. So, if I bought a 50mm 1.8 would this be much better? Or are these only better in low light without autofocus etc?

Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. Budget is tight at the moment until I sell a few guitars, but I was hoping to get this lens pretty soon.

Any help would make my day!

FYI camera is a Canon 650D