So my new monitor arrived the other day, and damn, it's big, and it's sharp. So besides putting the motherboard in a case (who does that anymore?), the system is all set up and the editing of 10,000 photos from a year of travelling, and another 10,000 from a few months of owning a 7D can begin.


System Setup:

Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3, AMD PhenomII X6 1055T, Corsair 2x2GB 1600C9, nVidia GT440 1GB, OCZ 60GB Vertex2 SSD on /. , 1TB 7200RPM /home/ drive, Silverstone 500W PSU, Samsung DVDRW drive, and an extra Noctua 12cm fan.

So, i present to you all, my computer, in all its glory amongst its new friend my sound system, in the ex-garage at my parents' house (sucks that i'll just have to relocate it in a few months when i buy my own house, hope it has a room big enough)







If anyone's wondering about the home-made watercooling, a few years ago for my previous system I bought a nice Noctua heat-pipe cooled 12cm-fan CPU heatsink. But it didn't fit in my case by about 1cm. Presuming that 'heatpipe' just meant solid copper, I cut the ends off, and basically cocked it up. So i ripped off a few fins from the top, clamped some automotive hose on, bought a fountain-pump and a 1L food-container, and it cooled nicely. With this system, I updated it with the T-pieces, wider (10mm) hose, and soon i'll (have to) replace the distilled water with proper radiator fluid before it starts rusting. It may or may not work as well as the original heatpipe-cooler, but it keeps everything under 70C running CPUBurn on 4 of the 6 cores, and is practically silent, so good enough for me.


and for any audio nuts out here too, the sound system I built myself, the 8" 3-way monitors are 35L boxes i built in high-school, take 120W at 8ohms. The subs are dual 10", 120L boxes of 1" MDF, they weigh 44kg each and take 320W at 4ohms, they also have a piezo horn so they can double as a bass-guitar drivers or a PA system. There's an amp to drive either set you can just see under the TV, delivers 120/8 or 180/4, built it myself to drive the monitors, there's another 320/4ohm amp half constructed to drive the subs i'll finish one day then i can crank all 1000W at once (as long as the windows and the fishtank don't explode). The tube turn-table pre-amp on top of the TV i also designed and built myself, tubes for the signal path and solid-state current feeds.

And yes, I was listening to Maggot Brain on vinyl while taking the photos if anyone else noticed...