Hi all,

I need some advice on what my next purchase should be. I have been debating making the plunge on getting the new 70-200 2.8 II or picking up the 7D. I currently own a 5DmkII and the 70-200 f4 IS and use a 20D as a back-up body.

I have been shooting more portraits and weddings lately and feel I would benefit from the low-light performance and bokeh of the f2.8 vs. the f4 but my 20D feels really old these days and the high ISO performance just isn't acceptable to me any longer (as I have been spoiled by my 5DII).

Money-wise it would almost be the same since I would sell my 70-200 f4 if I were getting the 2.8 and the cost of the 7D just went down by $100. The 7D would be an upgrade in just about every area compared to the 20D and would negate the need for me to rent a better back-up body for when I shoot weddings...

Would the improved high ISO performance of the 7D compared to the 20D be enough for me to keep my 70-200 f4?

Thanks for reading and any thoughts on the matter!