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Thread: Securing gear in trunk

  1. #1

    Securing gear in trunk

    I have a car that secures the back seat with the car key, so one would think that the trunk is the best place to keep my gear safe.

    Except, if someone breaks a window, they can pop the trunk open with the little release that sets near the driver's seat.

    So much for security.

    When I travel, I'll take huge chunks of glass, several camera bodies, and accessories.

    Hauling this in and out of a hotel/motel is not trivial. I'd like to leave some of it in the car.

    Is there some sort of case that can be kept in the trunk and secured in such a way that it would severely deter theft?

    How do you secure your gear in the trunk of a car?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan
    Hauling this in and out of a hotel/motel is not trivial. I'd like to leave some of it in the car.

    Tell me about it. I get the funniest stares from people as I bring a bunch of huge backpacks, cases, etc. into restaurants and other places with me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan
    Is there some sort of case that can be kept in the trunk and secured in such a way that it would severely deter theft?

    If you find out -- let me know. Of course, they could steal the car itself.

  3. #3
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    I keep everything in a Pelican 1510 Carry on with a padlock in my car. Myinsurancetakes care of the rest (:

  4. #4
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan

    How do you secure your gear in the trunk of a car?

    I don't.

    After a very unpleasant experience, I decided I would never again leave my gear in my car. No, my stuff wasn't stolen, but my car was broken into. I was very, very lucky they didn't take anything. Either the perpetrator(s) didn't know it was there, or if they did, they feared being caught with it. I had left my stuff in the car for less than 15 minutes. But I have to tell you, in the few seconds between the moment I saw the broken window of my car and opening my trunk to see if anything had been taken, I felt an insane level of panic that I do not ever wish to relive.

    Let's put it this way: your car is the least secure place to leave your camera equipment, unless your car is in your garage. If you can't carry it on your person for the duration of your outing, don't bring it with you in the first place. That's how strongly I feel about it. It is completely trivial for someone to smash and grab. They can clean you out in less than 10 seconds, and be gone in as much time. Out of sight is not out of mind--while hiding your stuff in the trunk reduces your risk, what you really need is a locked compartment, similar to the ones that trucks use. These are bolted to your vehicle and have a separate lock. They are difficult to open and make an unattractive target for thieves.

  5. #5
    Senior Member neuroanatomist's Avatar
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    One possibility, if you must leave your gear in the trunk, is a padlocked Pelican case with the case secured with a cable lock (like you'd use on a bicycle) to a lug on the inside of the trunk, to the spare tire mount, etc.). Not perfect, but it would prevent the 10-second smash and grab.

  6. #6
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    Quote Originally Posted by wickerprints

    I don't.

    After a very unpleasant experience, I decided I would never again leave my gear in my car. No, my stuff wasn't stolen, but my car was broken into. I was very, very lucky they didn't take anything. Either the perpetrator(s) didn't know it was there, or if they did, they feared being caught with it. I had left my stuff in the car for less than 15 minutes. But I have to tell you, in the few seconds between the moment I saw the broken window of my car and opening my trunk to see if anything had been taken, I felt an insane level of panic that I do not ever wish to relive.

    Let's put it this way: your car is the least secure place to leave your camera equipment, unless your car is in your garage. If you can't carry it on your person for the duration of your outing, don't bring it with you in the first place. That's how strongly I feel about it. It is completely trivial for someone to smash and grab. They can clean you out in less than 10 seconds, and be gone in as much time. Out of sight is not out of mind--while hiding your stuff in the trunk reduces your risk, what you really need is a locked compartment, similar to the ones that trucks use. These are bolted to your vehicle and have a separate lock. They are difficult to open and make an unattractive target for thieves.

    I agree 100%.


  7. #7
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    I don't know about where you live, but insurances here in the Netherlands insure everything you insured which is in a sealed trunk and not visibly from the outside. And they only pay out if there's visible breaking in evidence and a police report...

    So yeah you might get insured, but you'll probably be better off taking less stuff or taking it inside... if that's an option of course.

  8. #8
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan

    How do you secure your gear in the trunk of a car?
    <div style="clear: both;"]</div>

    I'm thankful that my trunk (VW Jetta) is rather secure. The driver's release for the trunk can be disabled with a key, the rear seat center pass-through can be secured with a key, and the rear seat fold-forward can be secured with a key. The key is a "sidewinder" key that cost me $25 to get duplicated at the local key shop, and supposedly $75/key (plus $65 programming for all of the keys) at the dealer (no, thank you). So I'm reasonably confident that it's secure.

    Nonetheless, I take it all in every time. I carefully choose which bag to take into the hotel room first, etc. I have insurance, but I'd rather be ready to say that I'm comfortable with my decisions if I have to make a claim.
    We're a Canon/Profoto family: five cameras, sixteen lenses, fifteen Profoto lights, too many modifiers.

  9. #9

    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    Don't. Never. That's why it's best to bring along what you need and not "what you may need". Carry less. If it's really impossible, try to park your vehicle with your rear to the wall.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Re: Securing gear in trunk

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph

    try to park your vehicle with your rear to the wall.

    That also might provoke could look kinda suspicious [:P] Oh...I'm sure that man wants to hide something from us...let's find out what it is [:P]

    Bottom line is: you can't do much about it. If they want to break in, believe me...they will break in. No matter what. And yes I believe you can insure your stuff, but it would still suck to go trough all the paperwork to get your stuff back when it happens.

    The best advice is alsolike the others have said: only take what you need.

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