Folks, I have an ancient copy of Photoshop (CS2) that I have to run inside a virtualized XP machine on my Windows 7 computer to actually use. However, for my purposes (work-related not personal) it has served well and does more than what I actually need.

I saw Bryan's news article about Lightroom and have to admit that I have no idea what that software does vs. PS. The Wikipedia article seems to suggest that it works in conjunction with PS but Adobe's site suggests it's a standalone application. Though I've never made a dime from photography, I did spend a large amount of time in a darkroom when I was younger so I have a basic grasp of the workflow required to develop film and make prints. For all those youngin's out there that's what we used to call a printer. It had wonderful-smelling chemicals like fixer and neat tools called enlargers.

Can anyone enlighten me please?