So I recently decided I was long overdue to be working on a calibrated monitor. Back when I purchased my monitor, I read several reviews trying to make sure I had a good monitor for photography and, after purchasing it, I ran several tests such as printing photos from several sources and decided that it was "good enough" for an amateur such as myself. But that was 2011 and a bit ago, a few members thought some of my images were a tad dark.

So I picked up SpyderPro5 about 2 weeks ago and have since used it to calibrate my monitor. Very easy. Turns out my monitor was just outside the high end of the brightness range the SpyderPro software recommends. So, I've now dialed my monitor into the center of their range. In looking at photos before and after, I do not see much of a change in brightness. also adjusted the tint of my monitor. Apparently my monitor was a bit green, at least according to SpyderPro. I can go back and now several photos I processed have a bit of a magenta tone to them and I did have a tendency to always be adding a bit of magenta tint above the camera parameters, so this may be a legitimate issue with my monitor.

Knowing full well that there is significant variation between monitors, I write this wondering if you, especially those of you with calibrated monitors, can comment on my recent photos (starting with the recent waterfall trip). Let me see if anything seems out of whack. I will be rerunning SpyderPro in another week or so just as a check. I'll also probably print a few photos to see how it is doing. Granted, I did crank the Vibrance and color saturation of the waterfall images at Watkins Glen as the gray rock wall canyons looked pretty drab otherwise. But, I am more interested in color accuracy in those, and other images going forward. I now have the means to adjust my monitor if there is an issue.
