My wife and I are taking a two week trip to Paris and Italy in March. I have a 40D that I just purchased and she has a Rebel XTi.

We own the following lenses:



50 f/1.4

100 f/2.8 macro

200 f/2.8

2x converter

Since I just purchased the 40D, I don't have a standard zoom for both cameras. Therefore, I am going to try and rent a lens before we go. Given what I already have, what lens should I get? Should I leave any of my current lenses home?

I have been considering the following:






We will be staying in the major cities and I would really like to do some street photography of the people in their element. I am sure there will be some birds around to take shots of and definitely some cool sunsets. We won't spend much if any time in the coutryside.